Friday, March 6, 2009

On-site Sessions

Hi everyone! I haven't posted any on-site images in a while so I wanted to put some up for you to see. All of these images are sessions that we have done in the past. Some of you may know that Chad and I just recently (2009) created the studio in our home so before that time just about everything we did was on-site. This is my favorite type of photography especially with children. I get to follow them around and document their lives while they are just doing what they do! I love to remember my girls that way. It makes me smile to photograph a child that can be in a comfortable environment and play while having portraits made. I do admit that I like to get in good with the kids and I want them to like playing with me, so I do not put a time limit on these sessions. I work for as long as it takes because this day will never be repeated. I know that I refer to Joeli's portraits all the time but it's so true...I wouldn't take anything for my portraits of her and we are so lucky to have those. Please enjoy the samples that I put up and thank you to each family photographed. We could not do what we do without you! God Bless!

1 comment:

Dawn Chandler said...

I cannot believe how big Ri is now! Love that one of him in the sand by himself! You can truly capture the true personality of those you photograph! Great job, Britt, as usual!