
Happy Birthday big boy! Gavin was my first baby to begin a baby plan with me and this was his last session from that plan. It has been so much fun and surreal at the same time to watch as the months pass and see how much he changes. He thoroughly enjoyed his cake and did so good with the session. On the last session with my babies from their baby plans it is very bittersweet! It's great to watch them grow and see how far they have come in their development but it's sad to look back and realize how quickly that time has passed. I know this full well with our own children. Time really does pass quicker when you get older. It's crazy to think back to almost six years ago when I was pregnant with Joeli. It's like it was yesterday. Brelan and Mileigh are the same way. I cannot believe that my infant is no longer an infant WOW! Brelan is getting sassier by the day and Mileigh is now walking and talking up a storm. I do hope that you are all well and I look forward to hearing from you on these portraits and also for your own portrait needs. Let us know what we can do for you! We would be honored! Have a blessed day!
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